Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

We approach therapy from a professional and clinical standpoint. We believe the modern tool of mental health therapy can be a catalyst for our clients living in health and freedom.  

However, we, the owners (Ryan and Emily Russ), are Christians. We know that faith and therapy can (and oftentimes should) be intimately intertwined.

We understand it is important for some clients to ask worldview questions of the person (the therapist) pouring into their lives. We also understand this can be immensely important to parents seeking therapy for their child. We encourage all clients to ask their therapist these questions.

We offer brief statements written by each therapist, answering the question of “faith in therapy” in their own words. Many clients find this to be a good tool as they navigate which therapist is the best match for them or their child. 

We desire to serve all people, whether spirituality is a part of their life or not. We believe everyone can benefit from quality!

Custom Intensives

You will have a handful of phone calls/sessions with your therapist prior to your intensive so all the groundwork will be laid before you come. If you have a current therapist, you have the option for our therapist to speak to your therapist to better see you as a whole.

Most full-day intensives are 8:30 am – 5:00 pm with a 1-hour lunch and breaks as needed.

You will primarily be in your therapist’s office. There are spaces like our private yoga room and an outdoor courtyard for you to move around in. There are some pretty hiking trails and parks where you may be sent to do homework. The snack closet is open to all intensive clients at the clinic. We have things like chocolate, nuts, chips, gum, snickers, granola bars, etc. Comfort food really 🙂

It really depends on the specific client(s). It’s different if it’s a parent and child, a couple, a family, or an individual. They can reasonably expect to have some education regarding the nature of their problem and solution.

It’s possible that they might do trauma work (Brainspotting, EMDR, mindfulness, and movement).  They may participate in some experiential form of therapy.  At times, the therapist may assign homework or written projects (life timeline, trauma egg, letters to yourself or others).

There is no “one size fits all,” and everything is built off the presenting problem and goals.  All the tools the therapist has can be incorporated during an intensive. 

***polygraphs additional time and fee of $375

For first time intensive clients, we recommend 3 days. For returning intensive clients or established local clients, 1-3 days is acceptable.

3 days is preferred because it takes time to properly understand someone’s story, the reason for therapy, and needs in order to help them achieve their goals. We go to a depth that requires time and effort.

We want to deeply understand the nature of exactly what’s going on. People want to feel understood, seen, and heard—to know that someone else gets it. In order for this, time is essential. We also find that for most people, their energy limit for this type of work is about 3 days.

Our clinic is set in a wooded “retreat” location in the heart of LR. It’s very peaceful and a 15 min drive from the airport. 

  • We provide a list of nearby hotels. Most are within a 5 to 10 min drive from the clinic. 
  • Our office is located in a neighborhood and there are Airbnbs nearby. 
  • Occasionally there is a spiritual retreat cottage available for a small fee. 15-min drive from the office. 
  • Local clients: If they have home distractions like kids, pets, and work, we recommend they stay in one of the above instead of at home.

Most 3 full-day intensives range between $4500-$6500, depending on your therapist and amount of pre-intensive calls. You will know your total investment before scheduling. Price is the same no matter how many people are participating. (i.e. individual vs. family)

One reason our clients love intensives is because they get 6 months or more worth of therapy in just 3 days. The financial investment may be the same as weekly therapy, but the time frame can be more advantageous, especially for busy people! The benefit of not stopping and starting so frequently in a therapy session (like in classic 60 min sessions each week) provides the time and space needed to really do a deep dive into a client’s story. An intensive is a different way of approaching treatment.

If you have a local therapist, we do a therapist to therapist consultation to update them on your progress. Our goal is to pass the baton back to them so you can have a resource locally with them.

However, we always say “once a client always a client”. We always want to provide follow up support as needed to our clients. This could look like occassionally checking in, or, if your therapist has availability, meeting with them on a semi regular basis for consultations.

Please speak with our intensive coordinator for more details about aftercare.

Typically, the therapist and the client who is taking the polygraph will work together prior to the intensive with either phone calls or in-person sessions to prepare for the polygraph.

Most polygraphs are performed prior to the beginning of an intensive so they are ready to work through the disclosure process during the intensive. Disclosure and polygraph results usually happen on day 1 of the intensive, but not always. The rest of the intensive is working on the impact and working with the couple on how to manage their situation moving forward.

***See “How do polygraphs work in traditional therapy?”

We provide a consultation receipt for the professional development you receive during your intensive.

That depends on your goals. For some, 1 is all they need. For others, they want more. We also find that many clients prefer the intensive model to traditional therapy, and will carve out several weekends a year to come. Every intensive’s goal is to be wrapped up in the end and not left with loose ends. Often people with very busy schedules prefer the intensive model because carving out time each week is not feasible.

There are many reasons an intensive may not be the best fit. We encourage you to talk with our admin team to explore this. 

The most evident reasons are:

  • The person needs residential treatment with oversight because self-harming is a concern. 
  • The person is detoxing from substance.
  • The person needs crisis intervention.
  • The person feels “forced” into therapy. An intensive is effective if all participants are willing.

For sure! We believe our clinic is excellent at what it does. But, we do not do everything and cannot serve every need. We have relationships with other clinics and treatment centers and we will definitely refer you to them if they are a better fit.

$1000 deposit via credit card to book your intensive dates. Balance is due via check, on the first day of your intensive.

Traditional Therapy

Maybe! If you are unsure, start with traditional therapy. You can always jump into an intensive as needed.

Nope! When you are in session, you get the complete toolbox of your therapist. 

We find that in-person is preferred. However, telehealth may suit some clients’ needs better. Both are effective and are worth it because you are being proactive in your mental health!

Session length is completely up to you and your therapist. We find that clients make the most strides when consistently doing longer sessions. We have found the “sweet spot” for traditional therapy is 90 mins.  Choose between 60, 90, 120 min, 3 hours, 4 hours, or an intensive which could last up to 3 days (24 total hours). We are committed to doing what works, not just what is “typical”.

We are Out of Network with Insurance.

We are Out of Network and do not process insurance claims in our office. We provide superbills (a receipt) for clients to submit with their insurance for a reimbursement. Many insurance policies provide an Out of Network benefit. We recommend you contact your insurance company to see what coverage and reimbursement you are eligible for. Our admin team is happy to assist you in any way!

Why have we chosen to not partner with insurance?

We offer longer sessions, intensive therapy, and custom treatment plans. If we were contracted with insurance companies, we would not be able to offer these services because insurance companies may not deem them necessary. We believe remaining Out of Network is in the best therapeutic interest of our clients.

You should decide what’s best for your mental healthcare, not your insurance company.

Above all else, the rapport you have with a counselor AND their qualifications are critical for effective treatment. So please factor that, along with the payment options, into your decision-making when choosing a counselor.

Insurance and Intensives?

Your insurance may cover up to 3 hours of therapy on a given intensive day, and potentially more. If you seek Out of Network benefits from your insurance for an intensive, we suggest you speak to them prior to reserving your dates to make sure you understand what they will reimburse. In our experience, each plan is different. Before you reserve your intensive, we can provide you with a generic Superbill (receipt) to discuss with your insurance company what benefits you can expect. Your insurance company will want to know what CPT codes will be used; we use CPT codes 90837 and 90837-59 on intensive days. Our admin team is happy to assist you in any way!

***All session fees are due at the time of service.


You decide who is your therapist. But, if you are unsure, talk to our admin staff who will help you find the best therapist to fit your needs.

Polygraphs should be considered a tool in the therapy process, not an end goal. Polygraphs are not meant to be a “Got ya!” tactic, but rather a tool to rebuild trust.

You will work with your therapist to prepare a statement in writing.You will have plenty of time to go over this with your therapist until you feel comfortable. You will arrange a day to take the polygraph at a separate location in the examiner’s office. During a session, you, your partner, and your therapist will go over your results in a safe and therapeutic way.

Fees are $150, $175, $200, or $220 an hour, depending on the therapist.

Can’t find the answer? Ask us via our contact page.