Author Johann Hari said in a recent TED Talk that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety; the opposite of addiction is human connection.

Addiction is incredibly isolating and lonely; however, authentic, meaningful connection with others who understand your story provides connection and healing, which is why we are passionate about group therapy at The Finding Place Counseling in Little Rock, Arkansas, and encourage those recovering from sexual addiction to join a recovery group.

Who should join a sexual addiction recovery group?

If you have struggled with sexual addiction and are serious about recovery, you should be in a sexual addiction recovery group.

If you want to experience healing and are willing to find the true source of your addiction, you should be in a sexual addiction recovery group.

If you are open to dealing with and diving into your personal trauma, you should be in a sexual addiction recovery group.

If you want a group of people to support, challenge, and inspire you, you should be in a sexual addiction recovery group.

What is the men’s sexual addiction recovery group at The Finding Place like?

The men’s sexual addiction recovery group at The Finding Place Counseling in Little Rock, Arkansas, is different from Sex Addicts Anonymous or a typical 12-step program. While those groups can be beneficial for accountability, they are not designed to get to the root of the addiction, which is trauma

At The Finding Place, our men’s sexual addiction recovery group begins each session talking about relapses as well as stressful life situations that have the potential to lead to relapses. However, the conversation does not stop with check-ins; we go deeper than surface level. 

We then discuss a topic specifically chosen for the night, which may include dealing with shame, working through relational conflict, or handling personal problems that stem from addiction. The goal is to get to the trauma or need behind the behavior in order to find healing.

There is open communication and time for the men to build off each other’s stories and encourage each other. A good group won’t let you get away with things, but they’ll challenge you in a loving way because they care about you and your recovery journey.

The feedback we most often receive is that our men learn more about themselves by hearing others share. In fact, many start to recognize their own deeply rooted trauma while hearing the other group members’ stories and seeing them do their own healing work. 

What if I want to go it alone?

It is understandable that you would want to keep your sexual addiction recovery private. Sexual addiction comes with shame and the desire to keep things hidden. However, everyone in a sexual addiction recovery group has felt the same way at some point and understands what you’re going through. If you will push past the fear of being vulnerable, you can receive true healing from your addiction. We encourage you to take this step to better yourself and find authentic human connection.

The bond that forms when you have others who are not only deeply concerned with their own recovery but yours as well, and you can share in that together, is invaluable. 

The men’s sexual addiction recovery group at The Finding Place Counseling in Little Rock, Arkansas, is led by certified sexual addiction therapists (CSATs) Ryan Russ and Derek Edwards. The group meets on Wednesday nights from 5:30-7:00. If you are interested in joining the group and finding healing through trauma work and authentic human connection, email

We also have a partners’ group for women healing from betrayal trauma. Contact us for more information.

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